Why “A Sprig of Time?”

Why “A Sprig of Time?”
When I first unveiled my new website name, after transitioning away from my old blog, I had several well-meaning followers let me know that I’d spelled “thyme” wrong.  (I am aware of that…) I chose the homonym “time” intentionally after months of brainstorming my intention for starting a new blog and website.  As I state on my home page, the primary barrier to people getting in the kitchen is time.  There is a perception that the time spent there would be better spent elsewhere.  And I’ll admit, there is an up-front investment as you learn to cook and build up your kitchen, but that process definitely does not have to be unpleasant. Something that is incredibly important to realize, that I will harp on constantly, is that you will make “mistakes” as you learn to cook- I’ve been cooking for over a decade and eggplant is still my nemesis!  The good news is that 90% of the time, the mistakes do not render your food inedible.  You not only can salavage your meal with some ingrained skills (or well-placed Googling), but you will also learn a bit about how to improve next time.  You can also apply that knowledge to similar cooking applications, and suddenly you’ve widened your culinary world.  This makes the process so much less stressful, and it starts to become a daily creative outlet.

As a result, A Sprig of Time will not focus on recipes, but instead on ingredients, techniques, and senses to help home cooks break free from following others’ rules, and to help not-yet-cooks break free from convenience foods.  I will not use words like “Quick,” “Easy,” “Healthy,” or “Guilt-free” to describe the “non-recipes” I cook because with the right skills and ingredients, you can take these attributes for granted.  The food you find here is flexible and forgiving, and can be adapted to your preferences and needs with a little creativity- I will do my best to give guidance on adaptations as appropriate.  Because being a dietitian is deeply ingrained in me, if you must follow a special diet for some reason, I’ll do my best to tag posts with appropriate descriptors.

Hopefully, through your time on this website, you will be convinced that the time spent in the kitchen, regardless of whether it is a whole bushel or just a “sprig,” is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself and the people you feed.