Tag: practice

Sunday Baking Series: Our First Homemade Macarons

Sunday Baking Series: Our First Homemade Macarons

Actually, “first” is a lie.  I’ve made homemade macarons 4 times in my life, with progressive success (“success” being a relative term), but this time I had a teammate.  That teammate happens to be a materials engineer who fixates on following instructions perfectly, so I 

Sunday Baking Series: The Miracle of Bread

Sunday Baking Series: The Miracle of Bread

Bread gets a bad wrap these days. It always seems like everyone is trying to “cut down” on their bread intake, be it calories, carbs, gluten, or whatever other fad diet grabs our attention. And yet, bread has sustained humans for thousands of years. I’ve 

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Bread may be one of the most intimidating things to try your own hand at, especially if you already have access to good-quality bread from a professional baker nearby.   Yes, most recipes look more like chapters out of a textbook and use weird words like 

Sunday Baking Series: Focaccia

Sunday Baking Series: Focaccia

Focaccia has never held a ton of appeal for me.  I typically associate it with those spongy, oily, crustless pieces of bread surrounding “fancy” sandwiches at places like Panera, so why in the world would I want to make it at home? That all changed 

The Right Way to Roast a Chicken

The Right Way to Roast a Chicken

Ah, roasted chicken- the pinnacle of home cooking.  There’s nothing quite like biting in to the potato-chip-like crackle of perfectly golden brown skin only to discover savory, drippy, tender meat underneath. And yet, few home cooks venture to attempt creating this joy in their own 

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Hubtastic has decided that he’d like to become The Baker of the family, while I remain The Cook.  I love that idea, because he’s a scientific-perfectionist and I’m much more about whimsical improvisation, which I hope is evident from the entire premise of this website.  

Nourishing Joy

Nourishing Joy

As I said in a previous post, this blog will not provide you with exact, step by step recipes, because I want my readers to get to a place of comfort in the kitchen where they don’t need recipes anymore.  Even though recipes can be