The Power of Observation

The Power of Observation

Learning to cook is not all about memorizing instructions on how to hold a knife or what temperature to roast a chicken.  Yes, having a basic idea of those things can help with food preparation, but they are of very little use when any kind 

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Bread may be one of the most intimidating things to try your own hand at, especially if you already have access to good-quality bread from a professional baker nearby.   Yes, most recipes look more like chapters out of a textbook and use weird words like 

Meal Prep Madness: My Process for a Busy Month

Meal Prep Madness: My Process for a Busy Month

It seems like we’re always “too busy” to eat homemade food regularly, which means most people resort to buying their lunches 5 times a week and many Americans eat out or get take out several times a week for dinner as well. In response to 

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Hubtastic has decided that he’d like to become The Baker of the family, while I remain The Cook.  I love that idea, because he’s a scientific-perfectionist and I’m much more about whimsical improvisation, which I hope is evident from the entire premise of this website.