Tag: planning

Sunday Baking Series: The Miracle of Bread

Sunday Baking Series: The Miracle of Bread

Bread gets a bad wrap these days. It always seems like everyone is trying to “cut down” on their bread intake, be it calories, carbs, gluten, or whatever other fad diet grabs our attention. And yet, bread has sustained humans for thousands of years. I’ve 

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Sunday Baking Series: Tackling Ciabatta

Bread may be one of the most intimidating things to try your own hand at, especially if you already have access to good-quality bread from a professional baker nearby.   Yes, most recipes look more like chapters out of a textbook and use weird words like 

Meal Prep Madness: My Process for a Busy Month

Meal Prep Madness: My Process for a Busy Month

It seems like we’re always “too busy” to eat homemade food regularly, which means most people resort to buying their lunches 5 times a week and many Americans eat out or get take out several times a week for dinner as well. In response to