Tag: baking

Sunday Baking Series: Our First Homemade Macarons

Sunday Baking Series: Our First Homemade Macarons

Actually, “first” is a lie.  I’ve made homemade macarons 4 times in my life, with progressive success (“success” being a relative term), but this time I had a teammate.  That teammate happens to be a materials engineer who fixates on following instructions perfectly, so I 

Sunday Baking Series: Focaccia

Sunday Baking Series: Focaccia

Focaccia has never held a ton of appeal for me.  I typically associate it with those spongy, oily, crustless pieces of bread surrounding “fancy” sandwiches at places like Panera, so why in the world would I want to make it at home? That all changed 

Kitchen-Scraps Granola

Kitchen-Scraps Granola

I don’t do granola with yogurt often for breakfast, but I know a lot of people do.  Usually, both the yogurt and the granola are store-bought, which means they tend to have lots of added sugar (which isn’t required to be disclosed on labels- yet).  

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Sunday Baking Series: Apple Cake, or “The Best Homemade Dessert We’ve Ever Had”

Hubtastic has decided that he’d like to become The Baker of the family, while I remain The Cook.  I love that idea, because he’s a scientific-perfectionist and I’m much more about whimsical improvisation, which I hope is evident from the entire premise of this website.  

Molasses Pumpkin Bread

Molasses Pumpkin Bread

Every year, the first night it sorta feels like Fall, I get the itch to bake quick breads.  I want to dump a bunch of ingredients in a bowl without caring too much about technique.  I want big, warm, comfy loaves filling my house with